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Writer's pictureJ R

People Got The Power

Imagine a world where everyone develops their individual talents, strengths and interests to their full potential, so everyone does what they both enjoy and are talented at.

How productive, prosperous and positive would that world be?

We have been led to believe, by an education system that is designed to prepare us for the rulers' system, that we should forget our own dreams and conform to one of several mundane jobs in order to live.

But the truth is that it does not have to be this way, and it is your choice.

We can all choose to reject what someone else has planned for us, and the power really is in our hands; the rulers don't force anyone at gunpoint to follow the paths they lay out, but rather influence and manipulate socially engineer us, so that we accept that what they are offering is all that is available.

Too rarely do people think to reject the conveyor belt they have put us on, jump off and start their own adventure.

But to truly change the world, this is exactly what needs to happen.

While we all need money to live, with a little planning and some time, anyone can transform their lives into one where they enjoy their work.

Lives where work' is simply doing what you are good at and enjoy doing, so you bounce out of bed in the morning and keep improving.

Of course, we can't all start businesses or become successful overnight.

Sometimes it pays to be a good follower, worker or partner first, helping out in someone else's business.

But it is highly unlikely that anyone on Earth has no particular purpose or talent. This is probably one of the most important truths to wake up' to.

We have far more potential than most of us are aware of.

Through schooling and the workplace, the culture is one of not rising above, but instead, living a life of quiet desperation'.

But it really does not need to be that way.

There is no rule or law anywhere which says you have to work in a factory, office or warehouse iob for the rest of your life, and never be able to contribute your full worth to the world.

The rulers need soldiers for their wars, and pen pushers to administrate their system, but that's what THEY need - what about you?

What kind of life would give YOU worth and meaning?

What are YOU capable of?

Don't you want to give it a shot and really find out?

Whatever your beliefs about what happens afterwards, we have one life here, and we should all make the most of it in as many ways as we can dream of - whatever we are drawn to and puts a fire in our bellies is what we should spend our time doing.

So what are you waiting for?

You could start a small business on the side; go on a course, get researching, or ask for a personal apprenticeship.

There are many ways to get started towards a better life that fulfils your needs and hopes, instead of merely serving those who rule.

Fear, nervous excitement, even a little anxiety are good things to feel when you start making your plans. It means your heart is pumping, the adrenaline is going - and it's exciting!

Whatever you can dream of and believe is possible, given time and a ton of effort, is what you should aim for, and nothing less.

And when you are on your own true path, you can't help but influence others in a positive way.

Some of your friends and family will see your transformation and be inspired too.

There is no time like today to get things started and make plans.

If we keep leaving it until tomorrow, soon we will run out of those and we'll never change anything.

Remember, the majority will go along with the way the world directs them, but this does not mean YOU have to.

We admire those who are different, who achieve something, who go out on a limb and take chances to succeed.

Those who don't are stuck in the mediocre lives that have been chosen for them by someone else.

This is your life; it belongs to you and nobody else.

The two steps to a better one is first to decide what you want to do, and then get to it.

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