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What are YOU saying?

Everything that happened in 2020 was carefully designed to create enough fear to turn people into compliant victims; ready to accept any inconvenience that would protect them

What the year of COVID-19 has shown many is the decisions made for Britain and it's people are not being made by the people we vote to represent us and form a government

We are being programmed for a frightening new dystopian world where the population is controlled, monitored and penalised for not complying

It's time to wake up!

I see a political agenda which is sweeping the western world of increased Government interference and control over people’s lives. They are particularly targeting our young people by terrifying them into acquiescing to the eradication of their personal freedoms.

So, where are you?

With further anti-social distancing measures announced, more lockdowns, curfews and mass testing planned, many observers are wondering just how far Government regimes will go before people begin to realise they are being penned in to losing almost all of their rights fought for by previous generations, and whether or not they will ever start to resist these gross infringements on their civil liberties.

One wonders at what point most people are going to grow tired of such seemingly arbitrary ‘rules,’ and simply refuse to accept any more from a Government that has decided it no longer needs Parliament to govern.

If you are alarmed by what you are reading you might be wondering what you can do about all the lies by Government, media and the medical establishment

While many will feel helpless, please do not be disheartened - there are hundreds of thousands of people up and down the country who are determined to fight back against what we can only describe as a tyrannical fascist take over of Britain and the subjugation of our people using psychological warfare, as well as heavy police tactics and unlawful arrests.

Loud Thought plays a small part, but so do the weekly rallies in many town and city centres across the country, and major ones in London from time to time

Another highly recommended action is for people to form local groups and make plans to go and see what are still supposed to be our representatives, MP’s, though armed with facts and evidence as opposed to bricks and bats

Many of them are fed the same information by the civil service as the population is fed by the broadcast media; therefore educating them as to what is really going on

Many unfortunately will not take kindly to the information presented here, reporting what many doctors, medical professionals, researchers and analysts across the world have discovered, because it is clearly in opposition to the constantly-repeated mainstream narrative.

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled

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