Let's abandon rightness and direct our rage at the system
"If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand"
Our beliefs are hugely important... to us!
We should stand for each individual's sovereign right to freedom of belief. But it follows that none of us has the right to tell anyone else what they should or should not believe.
And we cannot afford to let differing viewpoints or beliefs trick us into thinking we cannot be united.
The moment we fall into that trap, then we have fulfilled our own prophecy, because it makes us no longer united.
Let me explain why I believe this is so important.
First, you need to understand that the very belief in hard truth itself is a very recent phenomenon, and suggest it has very dangerous consequences.
For the majority of our time here on Earth, each tribe will have had its own collection of myths that helped explain things that we could not understand using our own senses, such as the origin story of the world or of mankind.
Now ask yourself, would it have mattered if my tribe's myths were objectively closer to the truth than yours?
Of course not; that is not the point of myth or allegory.
Its purpose is simply to help us to make sense of our place in the world.
We retold our stories over and over around our campfires, not because it mattered that we all believed the same, but because it was helpful for us to do so.
Basis in fact was not important; our stories belonged to us, they were part of our tribal soul, and if they helped us to make sense of things, they worked.
Around 12,000 years ago, the abrupt end of the last ice age and the invention of agriculture led most humans to abandon the nomadic tribal life in favour of settling on the land, heralding the start of what we call civilisation.
That is also when our relationship to truth, belief, and story was turned upside down... literally!
Until that point, for the vast majority of man's existence on Earth, our understanding of what was true and real and right had been organic and aesthetic, kept alive through endless retellings.
It came through us, from our intimate connection with the Earth.
It emerged out of the circle that we made around that fire. It was reflected in the faces we could see in the flickering firelight every night.
But as the tribes merged over generations into the faceless conglomerations of humanity we know today, our way of understanding reality no longer emerged out of our circle.
Instead it began to be dictated to us from high above, coming down from a hierarchical pyramid.
Note that there are still so many things we cannot ultimately understand using only our senses, such as the origin of humankind or what causes disease.
But now we are told myth isn't good enough any more.
Today all our systems of understanding: education, science, news, law, and even religion, serve to dictate to us the facts that are required to be believed.
We know that the enemy always tries to take natural human traits and twist them into weapons to use against us.
One of those is our healthy instinct to trust and to adopt our tribe's stories.
But, since we moved from tribes to faceless society, they have managed to replace our own homespun myths with the orthodoxy of their pyramid of power.
And there is a deeper evil concealed within the culture of indoctrination, which is the cult of belief in 'hard truth'.
Even in primary school, as we trustingly stepped up to accept our discipline in 'truth'. we fell in line with the concept that most things not only can be known, but that they should be known.
School taught us that it is our duty to know the 'truth' and to carry that knowledge through life because it would be critical to success. It was a virtue, and being more right than someone else made you a better person.
What's more, you should be suspicious of anyone who believes differently to you.
And that is another of the enemy's favourite weapons: division.
Divide and conquer is one of the oldest strategies in the book, and it is more crucial today than ever because there are so many more of us than there are of them. They must keep us fighting each other.
I would argue that we still need to go further, dig deeper, do the hard soul work, because there is one more insidious belief that many still cling to: we may have given up their version of facts, but not our addiction to facts per se.
It is critical that we reframe our relationship with truth itself.
We need to give up the idea that being right matters and that who is right matters; don't let differences of opinion divide us.
As Voltaire wrote:
"Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it."
Like truth, accept that the process of awakening is also a journey and not a destination.
If we require our comrades to believe the same things we do, we seek to create a cult.
But in reality, how often do we all come to the same conclusions?
Almost never.
Does that make one of us wrong?
Does it matter?
We can say with confidence that at some point every one of us has been swindled, so let he who has never been duped cast the first stone!
And, while we're at it, let's drop the 'controlled opposition' nonsense. am sure these people exist, but that does not mean we need to discount anything someone says out of hand.
Forget the messenger!
Giving up our obsession with hard truth means we don't have to give anyone our unwavering trust.
We don't need cult leaders to defeat the enemy.
This is important because the moment we allow ourselves to be divided, we give away some of our power to create real change; a revolution that puts what really matters back at the centre of human life and society.
So what really matters?
How can we discern whether a message can be trusted?
The simple answer is to examine it carefully and weigh it up against the essentials, the non-negotiables of Natural Law or God's Law.
For example, does the message lead us towards sovereignty and freedom, or towards technocratic top-down control and more compliance?
Does it help to breed fear or division?
Does it seek to funnel power into the hands of the many, or the few?
To me, even if an idea professes to be serving a righteous cause, the mere possibility that it could be used nefariously should be enough to raise suspicion.
Of course we should be angry, but not at each other, and not at those who are yet to wake up.
We should direct our rage at the system, that great deceiver that wants to subjugate and enslave us.
Attacking those who still suffer under its yoke denies our fellow men and women their sovereign right to their own beliefs, which defeats the obiect and therefore effectively does the enemy's work for him.
Then, proudly owning all our different ideas and beliefs, we can stand up together and march shoulder to shoulder against the enemy.
To the scum who believe themselves to be our rulers, hear this:
We the People are ready to go into war together, not just despite all our differences, but because we understand that what unites us is greater than anything that might seek to divide us.
We fight for what has always been right, not for who is right.
We serve a common cause, which can never be broken. It is your fragile web of lies and deceit that will fall.
Because, as Mark's gospel continues:
"And if Satan is divided and rises against himself, he cannot stand; his end has come."