Sit on the sidelines and the world defines you
WHAT is reality? The first thing to understand is that there is an objective reality; a reality that exists outside our own field of perception.
The Earth was created as a natural reality long before man appeared on the scene. The Bible states that the Garden of Eden already existed before God created Adam. Once we arrive in the universe, we process this reality with our minds.
Our perception of reality is ours alone, and totally unique to each individual. How we perceive that reality determines how we respond to it, how we behave. Each behaviour is in balance with how each person perceives the reality of their environment.
There is no wrong or right way, just the right one for that individual person. One may perceive it as threatening, others may see it as neutral or even beneficial, and each will respond from within their own perception of that objective reality.
It's not objective reality that dictates human behaviour but the meaning we give it, which creates a specific perception - a subjective reality. And this subjective reality creates our personal behaviour.
In 1938, a radio drama called War of the Worlds by Orson Welles was delivered so convincingly that some of the audience went into a state of panic, believing the U.S. was being attacked by aliens. Nothing at all was happening in the real world, but the belief of an alien invasion got into people's minds, and that created a perception which led to mass hysterical behaviour.
Fast forward 82 years, and we have a story coming out of Wuhan, China, where nothing unusual was actually happening. But the authorities, using the media outlets, released the story that an invisible agent was making people ill, instead of the usually occurring reasons. When you are able to sell a belief to people that puts them in a state of fear, especially when it's perceived to be life-threatening, then the need to survive takes away all critical thinking, as staying alive is all that matters.
The perception of the objective reality by every individual creates their response, their behaviour. Convincing people of how they must view that reality will determine how they behave. It creates a collective human experience, and when this is based on fear, people run to where they perceive their survival lies.
The earlier in life you instill those beliefs, the more ingrained those beliefs will be. Controlling how the information from reality reaches the minds of people - by controlling the media, education and having 'experts' telling us what the truth is - allows for far-reaching manipulation of people's behaviour.
The biggest threat to this system of control is aware, conscious, human beings who have seen through the lies and who understand there is only one real authority, one objective truth: nature.
There are only two legitimate controls over humanity, fixed within the objective reality.
One is the exterior laws of the universe, gravity being one.
The other is the morality that permeates through our being, coming from God. Morality is a set of laws of behaviour that we can summarise into 'do no harm and cause no loss'. Basically, you live your way and I live mine. Let God be the judge, and life the guide.
A life in balance with nature brings peace.
And a life out of balance - opposing nature - brings pain. The thing to understand is that we are all responsible for our own lives by the way we perceive objective reality. How we perceive reality dictates our behaviour and shapes our lives.
To change the world to a place of more peace and less pain, we need more people living in harmony with creation and universal morality. The first step is to take back the control over your own mind, and determine for yourself what reality actually is.
You need to live within your reality instead of accepting the reality you're being fed by an authority. This allows you to live with in your version of the objective reality, which is where you need to be. Live in the here and now.
When you do that, you contribute towards a life free from indoctrination, and you impede any authority from being able to impose a structure of life that is far removed from your personal reality. Simply sitting on the sidelines and observing is never going to change anything.